Annual Funding & Payouts
The amounts and percentages reported below are amounts awarded to Low-Income students. The Arizona Department of Revenue requires that we post this information on our website. The amounts are not a reflection of the total awards paid out during the School Year. Ninety-Three.Five (93.5) Percent of all donations are awarded as tuition scholarships.
2023/24 CCSTO Payouts by Fund:
Original Scholarship Program
A) Original scholarships awarded to students with family income up to 185% of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $51,140.96
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 35.96%
B) Original scholarships awarded to students with family income that is greater than 185% of poverty level but not more than 342.25% of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $27,572.00
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 19.39%
Switcher Scholarship Program
A) Switcher scholarships awarded to students with family income up to 185% of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $22,043.00
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 29.38%
B) Switcher scholarships awarded to students with family income that is greater than 185% of poverty level but not more than 342.25% of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $18,553.00
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 24.72%
Corporate Low Income Scholarship Program
A) Corporate Low Income scholarships awarded to students with family income up to 185% of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $23,780.74
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 54.10%
B) Corporate Low Income scholarships awarded to students with family income that is greater than 185% of poverty level but not more than 342.25%
of poverty level:
Total dollar amount awarded = $20,178.55
Percentage of Total amount awarded = 45.90%
Arizona Revised Statute - A.R.S. §43-1603(C):
A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor's recommendation.
A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependents.