About CCSTO                    

Fun Fact:  There are 2.5 Million Tax Filers in Arizona and only 3.5% of them are taking advantage of the Arizona Private School Tax Credits!  

Our Mission:

  Helping students afford Private Christian School by providing them scholarships paid from the Arizona Private

School Tax Credits.

Cochise Christian School Tuition Organization (CCSTO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and was incorporated in 2002.

CCSTO is authorized by the State of Arizona to offer the four tax credit programs currently available:  

Generous donors give to CCSTO and receive a dollar-to-dollar tax credit.  The donations are used for tuition scholarships

for K-12 students attending Christian schools in Arizona.   Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the Private School Tax credit and donate to a child's education - all at the same time!

If you are a Corporation, Sub Corp or LLC filing as a Corporation, you may be eligible to take a Corporate Private Tax Credit.  Please review the information on the Corporate Tax Credit tab.

Arizona Revised Statute - A.R.S. §43-1603(C):